Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Aftermath of Extreme Weather: Check Your Roofing for Signs of Damage

Extreme storms can bring hail, high winds, tornadoes, and floods. The elements ravage thousands of homes across the country each year. If your home has been a victim recently, you should inspect your attic and ceilings for signs of water damage. Water damage can lead to mold formation and rotting wood which can ultimately damage the structure of your roofing material. 

Asphalt shingles are the most widely used type of roofing material in the country. Although they have a coating to protect against UV rays, the coating does very little to protect the shingles from storms. Hail can leave dark spots where the granules on the shingles have been knocked away. In the case of tornadoes and strong winds, you may notice split seams or sections of the roof torn altogether.

Other types of roofing materials like wood, tile, slate, and metal can also suffer the same degree of damage as asphalt. Tile, concrete, and slate shingles, in particular, are prone to cracking and breaking. Generally, other signs of roofing damage include dented gutters, vents, and flashing.

During storms, soil may become saturated and flood. This issue is especially dangerous if there are trees around. Flooding can cause the soil to loosen and strong winds can cause trees to fall onto your roof. Exercise extreme caution during a storm if your home is near any trees.

If not dealt with immediately, even minor types of damage can lead to more serious problems. Do not delay calling a trusted roofing contractor, such as Easton Roofing, if you notice any form of damage on your roof. Quick action can prevent dangerous situations and costly major repairs down the line.

Source: Identifying Storm Damage,

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